History of the Restoration Movement

Fredrick "Fred" Marion Little


The Life of Fred M. Little

Fred M. Little was born April 15th, 1881, in Bledsoe County, Tennessee. Brother Little was educated at Peoples College, Pikeville, Tennessee; Burrett College, Spencer, Tennessee, and at Potter Bible College, Bowling, Ky. Brother Little became a Christian at the age of eighteen, while in Burrett College. Brother Elam was doing the preaching. He began preaching early after his baptism making his talk the following Sunday.

He was married December 18th, 1903 to Miss Kathryn Hutchenson, who was teaching in Burrett College. Spencer, Tennessee. To this union were born three children: Mrs. J. W. Roberson. Chattanooga, Tennessee, Don C. and Jean of Montgomery, Alabama.

Brother Little spent many years teaching school and preaching, devoting the vacation from school work to preaching. He preached over most of Tennessee in this way. He also worked with Algood, Celina and a number of other places while teaching. He moved to Cleveland in about 1913 and began work with the Eastside Congregation which numbered eight members, and assisted in building a good one during his work there.

Brother Little was minister of the Catoma church of Christ, Montgomery. Alabama for seven years. I t was during this time the writer learned to know him. During those years I was engaged in evangelistic work over South Alabama. Brother Fred M. Little always gave me all the cooperation and encouragement possible. He assisted me in planting the cause in Elba, Troy, and any place where he could be of help. He was always unselfish and ready to work whether he was in lead or pushing someone else. During those years we were associated in publishing the Gospel Messenger, a religious pa per. He being editor and I publisher. We ran the paper for three years.

Brother Little established the Capitol Heights Church and was its minister for a number of years, and during this time the church grew, a large lot was bought and a nice frame building was erected, with the plans to later erect a nice brick house, which has been done. Brother Little devoted a number of years after his work at Capitol Heights to evangelistic work which car ried him over South Alabama, West Florida and part of Mississippi. His evangelistic work was successful, many new congregations were established. and old ones revived. Many congregations in this section were made stronger through his efforts. For much of this very little remuneration was given him. His purpose and heart's desire was to save souls. He was always cheerful and never complained of his lot. But like Paul in whatever state: he was content. Brother Little's friends in South Alabama are numbered by the thousands. His labor was so effective that eternity alone can place the true estimate.

I consider Brother Little one of the most humble, earnest, unselfish Christians I ever knew. I loved him because he loved the Lord and his church best of all.

The last three years of Brother Little's life were very sad ones as he was almost an invalid. Having been so active it must have been hard to wait for the end, which came this spring. Yes I can say with Paul. "He being dead yet speaketh."

-Source: W.T. “Tip” Grider, Sound Doctrine, July 25, 1942, page 6.

Report To The Gospel Advocate by Fred M. Little

Gospel Advocate, 03.02.1920, p.209

Report to the Gospel Advocate by Fred M. Little

Gospel Advocate, 05.14.1934, p. 581

Report to the Gospel Advocate by Fred M. Little

Gospel Advocate, 05.16.1940, p. 475

The Polk County Republican, Ducktown, Tennessee,
Friday, March 5, 1915, p.3

The Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, Alabama
Thursday, December 16, 1920, p.3
Click on article to zoom in

The Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, Alabama
Thursday, December 20, 1920, p.3
Click on article to zoom in

The Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, Alabama
Monday, July 11, 1921, p.8
Click on article to zoom in

The Elba Clipper, Elba, Alabama
Thursday, July 12, 1934, p.1

The Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, Alabama
Saturday, May 14, 1938, p.8
Click on article to zoom in

Chattanooga Daily Times, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Saturday, May 10, 1941, p.5

Alabama Journal, Montgomery, Alabama
Wednesday, February 25, 1942, p.12
Click on article to zoom in

The Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, Alabama
Thursday, February 26, 1942, p.71
Click on article to zoom in

Newspaper Obituary for Mrs. Kathryn Hutcheson Little
Wife of Fred M. Little

Alabama Journal, Montgomery, Alabama
Friday, January 8, 1971, p.5

Obituary of Mrs. F. M. Little

Kathryn H. Little, librarian and retired teacher at Alabama Christian College and High School, passed away January 5, 1971.

She was born December 19, 1882, in Pikeville, Tenn., the daughter of Leonard T. Hutcheson and Olive Kuykendall Hutcheson.  She attended Burritt College, Spencer, Tenn.  She was one of the third generation of her family to graduate at Burritt.  There she married Fred M. Little, a young preacher, also from Pikeville, in December 1903.  She received her B. S. degree from the University of Tennessee.

Fred Little preached in many places, principally in Tennessee and Alabama.  He preached for the Catoma Street church in Montgomery, Alabama 1920-27 and at the Capitol Heights church 1929-32.  Then they returned to Tennessee.

After Brother Little's death in 1942 she returned to teaching.  Sister Little served as teacher and librarian at Athens Bible School from 1949 to 1955.  She then joined the faculty of Alabama Christian High School as librarian and English teacher, then librarian of the College and later in the School of Religion where she served until a few weeks before her death.

The last years of the life of Kathryn H. Little were given even more to the Lord, to his church and to Christian Education.  She believed the words, "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might."  She faced life with her might, and great was that might.  She worked while it was day, realizing "the night cometh, when no man can work."

She is survived by her son, Don Little of Prattville, Ala.; two daughters Mrs. J. B. Roberson, Chattanooga, Tenn., and Mrs. Jean Wheatley, Louisville, Ky.; four sisters, Mrs. Mattie Swallows, Cookeville, Tenn., Mrs. Mary Coffman, Wheat Ridge, Colo., Mrs. Edith Richmond, Cleveland, Tenn., and Mrs. Fannie Coffman, Detroit, Mich.; three brothers, John Hutcheson, Nashville, Tenn., David Hutcheson, Ferndale, Mich., and L. T. Hutcheson, Birmingham, Ala., and her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Her funeral January 8, 1971, was conducted by Rex Turner, E. R. Brannan and Clyde E. Fulmer with singers from the college church and Alabama Christian College.  Interment was in Montgomery, Ala.
-H. E. Comer, Gospel Advocate, February 4, 1971, page 78.

Directions To Grave

Fred M. Little is buried in the Little family plot in the Swafford Cemetery behind Swafford church.

NOTE: There is a Swafford Cemetery located further down the road off of Upper East Valley Rd. Little is not buried there.

Traveling from I-40 between Knoxville and Cookville, Head to Exit #322, Hwy. 101, and head south. You will come to a round-about. Hwy. 101 goes right, but you want to take the second exit from the roundabout and continue south on what is now called Hwy. 392/Miller Rd. Go to South Main St. and turn left on Hwy. 127. Go 2.8 miles and turn right on Hwy. 127. Go 18.4 miles into Bledsoe County. Turn left on Hwy. 250. Here is where you want to be pretty careful. The road is paved, but farm road that is not the best, so you will want to go at a slower speed. Go about 2 miles and turn left on Upper East Valley Rd. Go .6 miles and turn left on a gravel road heading down to Swafford Church. The Little grave is near the rear of the cemetery.

GPS Location
35°41'46.9"N 85°04'42.8"W
or D.d. 35.696353, -85.078549

F. M. Little - December 30, 1847 - January 17, 1935 - (Note: Obituary Above)
His Wife - Lou Little - November 10, 1849 - February 24, 1924

Obituary of F. M. Little
by Fred M. Little

For the past two years the field of labor for me has been in Mississippi—fifteen months in and near Jackson, the last nine months in counties north of Jackson.

The month of January this year has been a month of anxiety and sadness to me.  I left Cleveland, Miss., December 31; reached the home of my father, F. M. Little, near Pikeville, Tenn., the first day of the new year; found him to be very sick, suffering with severe cold and the infirmities of old age.  He was eighty-eight years old.  By January 10 he seemed to be better, and we thought he would get up again.  I returned to Mississippi on January 12.  I preached three times near Ruleville.  On January 14, I received a message that father was not expected to live many hours.  I returned to Pikeville, and was at his bedside when he passed away in the early morning of January 17.

My father was not without faults.  He was reared in poverty.  By industry and exercising strict economy he managed to possess enough of this world's goods to be considered wealthy.  Four years ago he lost heavenly in a bank failure.  He was baptized by W. H. Sutton about thirty-seven years ago.

Father and mother gave the plot of ground on which the Red Hill Church house, Bledsoe County, Tenn., was built.  They also gave money and labor to erect the house.  They also educated me.  Mother passed away several years ago. I have three brothers and one sister.  All of them live in the community in which they were reared.  Father advised us in his dying hours to live good, do good, and love one another.  If I will put forth the energy that he did to succeed at his business, surely I will accomplish much in the preaching of the gospel.  He taught his children to work at some honorable vocation, pay their debts, and live honorably.

For the next three months my work shall be with the church in Troy, Ala.  In May I hope to return to Mississippi with a tent and again take up the work there that appeals to me as being of vast importance.  The brethren in Mississippi would do well to co-operate in supporting the gospel in that State.   My address is: 417 Winona Avenue, Montgomery, Ala.

Fred M. Little, Gospel Advocate, February 14, 1935, page 164.

Fred M. Little
April 15, 1881
February 25, 1942

Photos Taken 04.21.2024
Webpage produced 05.24.2024
Courtesy Of Scott Harp


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