History of the Restoration Movement

God's Acre

Laid To Rest In This Family Cemetery Are
The Graves Of Family Members And Friends of
Thomas And Alexander Campbell. Also Buried Here Are The Graves Of
Presidents And Teachers Of Bethany College.

Young Amanda was the first loss for Margaret and Alexander Campbell. It was at the time of her death that Campbell selected this hillside above the Mansion as the site for the family cemetery and gave it the name, "God's Acre." Campbell, himself, is buried at this site, as are 13 of his 14 children, wives Margaret and Selina, parents, many of his siblings, as well as many of his descendants. Here, too, are former presidents and professors of Bethany College as well as leaders and missionaries of the Disciples of Christ. The visitor gains entrance to the Campbell Cemetery by stone steps placed on either side of a wall that encircles the grounds. The wall of hand-hewn stone is seven feet high - three feet beneath the ground and four above. Stone for the wall was purchased from a grist mill operator located on Buffalo Creek. Construction was supervised by Col. Alexander Campbell in fulfillment of a request contained in his celebrated father's will. The wall and steps, in contrast to a gate that could be left open or unlatched, kept grazing animals from straying onto the grounds.

As one approaches the wall, one can see to the left of the steps the monument to Alexander Campbell. It is made from Italian marble and rests atop a 4,000-pound granite foundation. Its arched sides are reminiscent of those found along Bethany College's Old Main. The inscription reads: "In Memorial, Alexander Campbell Defender of the faith once delivered to the saints. Founder of Bethany College who being dead yet speaketh by his numerous writings and holy example, Born in the county of Antrim, Ireland, Sept. 12, 1788 Died at Bethany, Va. March 4th, 1866.

Nearby is the grave of Thomas Campbell, Alexander's father and author of The Declaration and Address of the Christian Association of Washington County, Pennsylvania, arguably the most significant religious document written in 19th century America.

The tallest memorial on the grounds is that of W. K. Pendleton, Campbell's twice son-in-law and second president of Bethany College. Both his wife, Clarinda and Lavinia are buried by his side.

Behind the Pendleton monuments between some trees is the grave of Alexander Campbell's biographer, Robert Richardson.

Other Bethany presidents buried in the cemetery are William K. Woolery, the first alumnus to be elected president; Archibald McLean, a Canadian well know as the head of the Disciples foreign missionary effort for 44 years; B.C. Hagerman; Cloyd Goodnight; and two Cramblets - Thomas Ellsworth, the father, and Wilbur Haverfield, the son; and Perry Gresham, who was Bethany's president for 19 years.

God's Acre is the final resting place also for Campbell's sister, Jane McKeever, and her husband Matthew. Jane Campbell McKeever established Pleasant Hill Seminary for Women in nearby West Middletown, Pa. The McKeevers' home was a stop on the Underground Railroad, helping slaves escape to the free state of Pennsylvania.

A marker near the entrance reads, "Our First Missionaries." This refers to James T. and Julia Barclay, who established a Disciples mission in Jerusalem. Some connected with Bethany College include Miss Cammie Pendleton, two children of C.L. Loos, Jean Corriodi Moos, I. T. Green, Harry L. Ice, B. R. Weimer, Pearl Mahaffey, Andrew Leitch, E. E. Roberts, J. S. V. Allen, W. Daniel Cobb III, James W. Carty Jr., George Hauptfuehrer, Hiram Lester, Robert Preston, Forrest H. Kirkpatrick, James Allison, and Helen Louise McGuffie.

Caution: Entering the cemetery is tricky. There is handrailing to assisting in making one's way over the large boulders surrounding the cemetery, but they are a bit shakey. So caution should be taken. If you have trouble climbing, you may prefer to just look from the outside.

Location Of God's Acre

God's Acre Cemetery is located in the remote hills of the panhandle of West Virginia. Access of approach to Bethany can be made four ways, one of which is not great if you are prone to car sickness. The approach from Wheeling, W.V. is very curvy, on Hwy. 88. Thus, it is better from Wheeling to go up Hwy. 2, following the Ohio River to Wellsburg. Turn right on Hwy. 27. Once arriving in Bethany, travel all the way through, Bethany Memorial Church and the original Old Meeting House [church] building on the right and Bethany College on the left, crossing Buffalo River/Creek, passing the soccer fields on the left, and continuing until you get to the Campbell Mansion. When you see the historical marker on the right, you should turn right, go through the gate pillars, as you go up the hill toward God's Acre Cemetery. The cemetery is enclosed with large boulders. Enter the cemetery at the steps. Warning: Take care entering cemetery as boulders are not steady.

From Washington, P.A. - Take Exit 17/Jefferson Avenue on I-70, and head north, (away from Washington) on Hwy. 18/844.

Continue on PA-844W for 15 miles and turn left onto Camp Ground Road and travel 1.7 miles, where the road turns slightly right and becomes Camp Run Road for another 2.3 miles. At the stop sign, turn right onto WV-67West and travel 1.1 mile for two minutes, along Buffalo Creek and over. The Campbell Mansion will sit on the right, and God’s Acre will be directly across the road on the left, through the gate pillars.

Note: The first glimpse of Bethany will be the old Campbell mansion on the right. Be sure to go through this house if possible. It is good to call ahead to make sure someone is able to show you through. You can not get in on your own.


GPS Location of cemetery:
40°12'19.3"N 80°32'48.0"W
or D.d. 40.205368,-80.546667.

In 1866, after the death of Alexander Campbell,
the present wall was built encircling the cemetery made of stones taken from
two old flour mills on Buffalo Creek.

Campbell Monument - Northward

Pendleton Monument - Eastward

click on any photo to zoom in

One Evening In May, 2012

After the death of Alexander Campbell's fifth child, Amanda, the present location of God's Acre
was chosen as a final resting place for Campbell family and friends.

Decima Campbell Barclay
Born October 12, 1840
Died May 4, 1920
One of the last Campbells to be buried at God's Acre

Who's Buried In God's Acre?

Family Connection
Note: Book Info Is Shown In The Far Right Column Below After First Name, Designating List Kept On File At Historic Bethany Museum, But Also Shows The Areas Of Relationships With Members Of The Campbell Family
Book 1 Thomas Campbell Family
Book 2 Alexander Campbell Family
Book 3 Alexander Campbell Jr. Family
Book 4 Decima Campbell Family
Book 5 Bethany College Presidents
Book 6 Bethany College Trustees
Book 7 Bethany College Faculty
Book 8 Others

Grave Number

Last Name

First Name

Family Connection Book #

277 Agullo Victoria 1.27
329 Allen John Stanley 7.01
111 Allison James 7.0
127 Anderson Emmas 7.55
004 Armitage Albert 4.07
005 Armitage Virginia 4.06
011 Bakewell Anna 2.36
076 Bakewell Arthur 2.40
069 Bakewell James 2.38
094 Bakewell Margaret 2.37
075 Bakewell Sarah 2.39
007 Barclay Alexander 4.04
031 Barclay Decima 3.06
033 Barclay Decima 2.28
027 Barclay James 4.14
034 Barclay John 2.29
002 Barclay, M.D. John "Juddie" Judson 4.08
028 Barclay Julia Ann 4.15
028A/29 Barclay Julian 3.07
030 Barclay Julian 3.05
003 Barclay Mary 4.09
029 Barclay Mary "Mamie" 3.04
006 Barclay Nida 4.05
032 Barclay Virginia 4.03
C-2 Barnett, D.D. Hubert 8.01
304 Beach Amanda 8.03
302 Beach James 8.06
305 Beach Jane 8.04
308 Beach Jeremiah 8.07
309 Beach Margaret 8.08
306 Beach Mary 8.05
385 Bourne Anna 7.03
048A Brown Anne 2.19
048 Brown John 2.18
057 Bryant Alicia 1.07
058 Bryant Catherine 1.05
020 Bryant Dorothea 1.04
059 Bryant John 1.06
422 Bullard James 5.22
051 Campbell Alexander 1.03
297 Campbell III Alexander 3.08
290 Campbell, Jr. Alexander 2.23
246 Campbell Alice 3.22
056 Campbell Amanda 2.12
101 Campbell Anna 1.33
097 Campbell Ann 1.31
098 Campbell Archibald 1.30
299 Campbell Archibald 3.19
298 Campbell Archibald (Mrs.) 3.20
280 Campbell Archibald, M.D. 1.18
300M Campbell Argyle 2.32
300M Campbell Argyle 2.34
300M Campbell Catherine 2.35
282 Campbell Clarinda 1.28
068 Campbell Eliza 2.04
292B Campbell Elizabeth 3.09
100 Campbell James 1.32
049 Campbell Jane 1.02
099 Campbell Jane 1.38
300M Campbell Jeanne 2.33
055 Campbell John 2.16
103 Campbell John 1.34
293 Campbell Katie 3.17
053 Campbell Margaret 2.02
292A Campbell Margaret 3.03
054 Campbell Margaretta 2.17
300M Campbell Martha 2.31
096 Campbell Mary 1.37
Unknown Campbell Mary 1.0
291 Campbell Mary Anna 2.24
300M Campbell Patrick 2.30
281 Campbell Phebe 1.19
294 Campbell Robert 3.16
053 Campbell Selina 2.20
102 Campbell Selina 1.35
050 Campbell Thomas 1.01
unknown Campbell, M.D. Thomas 1.16
067 Campbell Victoria 2.05
037 Campbell Wycliffe 2.27
247 Campbell William 3.21
412 Carty, Jr. James 7.04
134 Chapline Albert 7.51
135 Chapline Alexander 7.52
136 Chapline Mary 7.50
081 Chapman Andrew 1.09
082 Chapman Nancy 1.08
080 Chapman Selina 1.10
047 Clapp Alicia 1.29
C-11 Cobb III William 7.05
314 Cramblet Delia 5.17
311 Cramblet Mildred 5.21
315 Cramblet Thomas 5.16
312 Cramblet Wilber 5.20
089 Curtis Jacob 6.07
090 Curtis Sarah 6.08
316 Darnall Elias 7.06
313 Davis Bertha 8.12
260 Davis Elizabeth 8.11
264 Davis Henry 8.15
266 Davis James 8.14
262 Davis John 8.09
263 Davis Thomas 8.13
261 Davis Wickliffe 8.10
268 Deaner Frank 8.16
269 Deaner Cora 8.17
270 Deaner 8.18
219 Dobyns Sabina 7.07
131 Dunning Anne C. 7.48
036 Ewing Alexander 2.22
071 Ewing Jane 2.03
035 Ewing Margaret 2.21
038 Ferran, Jr. Harry 5.08
355A Fiers Alan 6.0
355 Fiers Elizabeth (Betty) 6.0
357 Goodnight Anna 5.19
356 Goodnight Cloyd 5.18
356A Goodnight Frances 5.0
319 Gorrell Elva 7.08
404 Green Irvin 7.09
405 Green Mary 7.10
104 Gresham Perry 7.0
287 Hagerman Margaret 3.15
288 Hagerman Mary 3.10
289 Hagerman Barton 3.11
364A Hauptfuehrer George 7.0
255 Hawkins Georgiana 8.19
392 Helphrey Wilma M. 7.72
066 Henley Alexander 2.08
064 Henley Maria Louisa 2.06
065 Henley Robert 2.07
285 Hill Jessie 1.20
365 Hueston Mary 7.11
016 Huff Inez 8.23
017 Huff John 8.22
018 Huff Nancy 8.20
019 Huff Willis 8.21
399 Ice Eva 7.13
400 Ice Harry 7.12
383 Johnson Julia 7.15
384 Johnson Philip 7.14
333 Keith James 7.16
334 Keith Catherine "Carrie" 7.17
409 Kenny Richard 7.18
258 Kirkpatrick Forrest 7.0
373 Leitch Andrew 7.19
374 Leitch Mary 7.20
375 Leitch Pearl 7.21
408 Lester Anne 7.22
407 Lester Hiram 7.0
085 Loos Catherine 7.23
044 Loos Emile 7.24
060 Loos Rosetta 7.25
043 Loos Theodore 7.26
265 MacLeod Lia 8.24
387 Mahaffey Pearl 6.10
072 Maleavy Bridget 8.25
073 Maleavy Mary 8.26
278 Maurer Jean 1.26
279 Maurer Jessica 1.23
358 McEvoy Frank 7.29
361 McEvoy Frank 7.31
359 McEvoy Ruth 7.30
360 McEvoy T. 7.28
388 McGuffie Helen 7.0
046 McKeever Jane 1.11
077 McKeever Louisa 1.14
045 McKeever Matthew 1.12
079 McKeever Phebe 1.13
078 McKeever William 1.15
091 McLean Archibald 5.14
unknown McVay Lavinia 1.17
296 Miller Elizabeth 3.23
382 Miller Clara 7.31
381 Miller Henry 7.33
320 Moore Addie 8.27
321 Moore Anna 8.28
324 Moore J. 8.33
322B Moore M. 8.30
323A Moore Nathaniel 8.31
323B Moore Ruth 8.32
322A Moore William 8.29
347 Moos Jean 7.34
346 Moos Lena 7.36
345 Moos Richard 7.37
348 Moos Virginia 7.35
369 Morgan Belle 7.39
368 Morgan John 7.38
125 Myers Andrew 6.13
126 Myers Charity 6.14
123 Myers Dr. Errett 6.16
122 Myers Emma 6.17
140 Myers Irene 8.34
124 Myers Susan 6.15
283 Nave Lucy 1.22
284 Nave William 1.21
303 Neal Margaret 8.35
093 Patterson Elizabeth 8.36
083 Pendleton Alexandria 2.11
039 Pendleton Catherine 5.07
042A Pendleton Clarinda 2.13
041 Pendleton Lavinia 2.09
042B Pendleton Lavinia (baby) 2.15
040 Pendleton William 2.10
364 Perry Beatrice 7.43
367 Perry Ebenezer 7.41
366 Perry Ida 7.42
317 Phillips Eugene 6.20
unknown Poston John 1.36
349 Preston Robert 7.0
401B Ray Dorothy 8.38
401A Ray Wilbert 8.37
171 Richardson Edgar 7.65
129 Richardson John 7.53
130 Richardson Julia 7.49
128 Richardson Rebecca 7.54
132 Richardson Rebecca 7.47
133 Richardson Robert 6.21
173 Richardson Robert (grandson) 7.67
174 Richardson William 7.66
327 Roberts E. 7.44
328 Roberts Margaret 7.45
398A Sala Helen 7.69
398B Sala John 7.68
295 Schaffer Eileen 3.18
310 Scott Florence 8.39
362 Shaw Thomas 7.70
391 Sumpstine Wilbur 7.71
009 Thompson Virginia (daughter) 2.26
010 Thompson Virginia 2.25
136B Thomson Coral 7.59
137 Thomson Fannie 7.56
136A Thomson Robert 7.58
139 Thomson Ruth 7.63
172 Thomson Virginia 7.60
138 Thomson William 7.57
337 Trible Elizabeth 7.74
336 Trible John 7.73
338 Trible, Jr. John 7.75
339 Trible Susanne 7.76
335 Trible William 7.77
254 Turner Erasmus 8.43
251 Turner George 8.40
253 Turner Martha 8.41
095 unknown
274 Warren Anna 1.24
276 Warren Beatrice 1.25
286 Watson Halford 3.13
286A Watson Mary Virginia "Virgie" 3.12
286B Watson Campbell 3.14
394 Weimer Bernal 7.78
395 Weimer Margaret 7.79
301 Wells Alonzo 8.45
271 Wells Belle 8.44
175 Wharton Emma 7.64
250 Whitsett Katie 6.2
250A Whitsett Ralph 6.23
344 Woolery Edna 5.13
342 Woolery Linnie 5.10
340 Woolery Mary 5.11
341 Woolery William 5.09
343 Woolery William 5.12
351 Wynne Elizabeth 7.83
352 Wynne Richard 7.82
353 Wynne Rebecca 7.85
354 Wynne, Jr. Richard 7.84
332 Yoho Elva 8.46
390 Young William 7.0

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Thomas & Jane Campbell

Alexander, Margaret & Selina Campbell

Wycliffe Campbell

Two Wives & Fourteen Campbell Children

Robert Richardson

W.K. Pendleton

J.T. Barclay

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